Becklake, S. (contracted). The Sociology of Global Tourism Competition. London and New York: Routledge. Final draft due: August 2021. Expected publication year is 2022.
Becklake, S. (in preparation). Touristic security: (Re)theorising a global security practice.
Becklake, S. (forthcoming). ‘Gendered touristic security in Guatemala’. In The Geopolitics of Tourism: Assemblages of Power, Mobility and the State (Eds: Matilde Córdoba Azcarate, Mary Mostafanezhad, and Roger Norum). Arizona University Press.
Becklake, S. (2019). ‘The Role of NGOs in Touristic Securitisation: The case of La Antigua Guatemala’. Space and Culture. DOI:
Becklake, S. (2014). ‘NGOs and the Making of ‘Development Tourism Destinations’. Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft, 6(2): 223-242. DOI: